Monday, March 10, 2008

7w1d...I love you, Bunny!

Dear Bunny,

Goodness, it's been awhile since I've written to you. I sure have been talking your ear off these past few days though, haven't I?

Bunny, I'm so glad you got to meet your future Poppa this weekend! Don't you just love what we decided you'd call my Dad? Even though he's not able to communicate any longer, he seemed to like that name best when we asked him to squeeze my hand after giving him options. It makes me sad to think that he may not still be around when you actually join the world. But even though we had to go to PA on emergency when he took a downturn, I was happy that he seemed to react when your Future Daddy told him our news and even more happy that he was the first to know. We took a picture of our stuffed bunny with him, and I'll post it here for everyone to see soon. Your future Grandma reacted quite nicely as well...I was worried that she would be upset, since she's in no rush to be a Grandma and thinks we're too young (ha! have you seen your Future Daddy's gray hair?) to have you. Now, we just have to convince her to let us call her Baba, which is what I called her mom.

You've got me totally exhausted, Bunny, but I'm glad that you at least held it together for your first few plane rides...I was worried that I'd be borrowing throw-up bags from everyone around, but you did quite nicely! This hunger thing is really getting out of hand, though. You're on every three hours like clockwork at this point...even in the middle of the night! I guess you're trying to prep me for when you're really here, huh? I do appreciate that you gave me a free pass a few times over the past few days when we were in PA, however, and I was busy helping your Poppa and couldn't stop to get you food.

The agents at the airport thought it was so cute that we were traveling with your stuffed bunny, but we wouldn't have dreamed of leaving it behind. It's definitely our good luck charm by now, and both I and your Future Daddy talk to it daily. Usually plotting against the other...but anyways!

I had to buy a new bra this weekend - first time I've gotten larger in years! New pants aren't far behind...even my "fat" pants are tight now. And only at 7 weeks! Ye Gods! Now, granted, my "fat" pants are a size 4, so really, not large, but when I normally wear 2's or 0's...I think I may simply buy "normal" clothes that are just a size or two larger to wear in the meantime and then after some more time passes, get actual maternity wear. If it would just warm up, I could start wearing my summer dresses that are flowing...they'd cover you nicely. But dang, Bunny. I seriously can't believe that I already have such a pronounced bump!

Well, I guess that's my only update for now, Bunny. You and I are off to CA for the day tomorrow for Mommy's work, but then first thing on Wednesday morning, we get to go see you! YAHOO!! We can't wait for the ultrasound!!!!! Your Future Daddy and I decided that we were going to write our guesses on twins or single on a piece of paper and then pull them out after the U/S. And then...we'll make our guesses on gender(s) after that and put them away until it's far enough along to figure out exactly what kind of little baby we'll be bringing home!!

Love you Bunny. Lots and lots and lots and lots.



P.S. Sorry for not posting in so long, ladies. We were out of town starting last Wednesday and up until this morning. My Dad, who has Alzheimers and recently broke a hip, has been in a nursing home for the past few months receiving care for both ailments. After an unexplained fever that sustained at 104 for more than a week, he was given a terminal diagnosis and pronounced to be end-of-life, which necessitated our quick trip up north. Fortunately, he has stabilized, but will likely not improve, and is not incommunicative and cannot eat, drink or walk on his own...and the latter not at all. He is spoon-fed every meal - pureed and/or mashed - and can only sip thickened liquids when someone holds a straw to his mouth. He said about a total of 20 words over the 5 days we were with him, and about half of those were gibberish. But he's great at holding hands, and FD told me that he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye when he told him our news while I was down the hall arranging stuff in his room. I never knew either of my grandfathers, because they died before I was born, and was so looking forward to making my dad a grandfather, but even if something happens to him between now and then, I'm happy that he was the first to know of our miracle and that he was able to react to the news. And he squeezed my hand HARD when I suggested Poppa as a name for the Bunny to call him!

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